
  • Düsseldorf, 2019- “Toronto-NBH-Concept”
  • Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2019 – “Toronto-NBH-concept and Surgery First-Apollo-concept”
  • Remchingen-Wilferdingen, 2019 – “Myofunctional Instructions”
  • Heidelberg, 2019, Forum Innovative Dentistry – “The Special Case”
  • Lech, Austria 2019, “Another orthodontic way, possibilities, limits, compromises in daily practice”
  • Karlsruhe, 2018, Academy for Dental Education – “Toronto Technique”
  • Heidelberg, 2018, ZfZ – “Intelligent Solutions in Orthodontics – Opportunities and Developments”
  • Heidelberg, 2018, FIZ – “Quo vadis Kfo”
  • Heidelberg, 2018, ZfZ – “Dysgnathic Operations”
  • Heidelberg, 2017, Interdisciplinary Pain Conference Heidelberger Collegium e.V., “Craniomandibular Dysfunction at the Conversational Level”
  • Basel, 2017, “Patient-Centered Orthodontics”
  • Karlsruhe, 2016, “Curriculum Toronto Technique – Start in your own practice”, 3-day seminar at the Academy for Dental Training
  • Isfahan, 2016, International Congress of Conservative Dentistry
  • Karlsruhe, 2015, Lecture “Atraumatic Dysgnathia”
  • Paris, 2015, Lecture on Craniomandibular Dysfunction,
  • Düsseldorf, 2015, “TOC- Toronto nbh concept”, Kiss Academy
  • Geneva, 2015, “TOC and Apollo concepts”, AAA
  • London, 2015, “Admirador”, WFO
  • Berlin, 2014, Lecture, S.O.R.G. Academy, Chairman Prof. Dr. Bodo Hoffmeister, Berlin
  • Ruit, 2013, Lecture, Paracelsus Hospital Ruit
  • Strasbourg, 2013, Lecture, 8ième Forum de la CFHTB
  • Tehran, 2013, Lecture and course at the University of Tehran
  • Isfahan, 2013, Lecture and course at the University of Isfahan
  • Lech, 2013, Lecture, Orthodontics at the level of the pass congress
  • Hanover, 2013, Lecture, Chamber of Dentists of Lower Saxony
  • Paris, 2013, Lecture,  Université Georges V, Hôpital Brettonneau

Poster presentations

  • Dresden 2011, German Society for Orthodontics, Apollo and Toronto- nbh- Concept
  • London 2010, European Society of lingual Orthodontics, Toronto- nbh- Concept
  • Paris 2010, French Orthodontic Society, Toronto- nbh- Concept


  • June 2009
    Orthodontic Messages/KN
    lingual orthodontics, 2D brackets with transfer tra
  • November 2009
    Orthodontics/ Quintessenz Publications, Toronto-nbh- Concept, shaping and fine adjustment of the dental arches using a fixed lingual arch, hybrid combined with aligners, intelligent tooth movements
  • November 2009
    Orthodontic News/KN, Apollo Concept – surgery first- surgery then orthodontics, great relief for patients and doctors, significantly shortened treatment time